Length: 19:39, 109 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 28:33, 120 pics
Categories: GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 33:24, 125 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Strapon, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 35:25, 54 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation
Location: Living Room
Face Type: average
Butt: average
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, skirt
Eyes: brown
Hair color: brown
Pussy/Labia: medium
Skin tone: medium
Body Type: milf
Hair: short
Length: 33:53, 34 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face, fashion model
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, skirt
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eyes: green
Skin tone: light
Hair: long - straight
Body Type: petite, skinny, smooth skin
Pussy/Labia: small
Length: 19:44, 112 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 22:08, 129 pics
Categories: Fisting, GG - Ass Licking, GG - Ass Toys, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 17:52, 142 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
There is some great irony with this video. Hanna looks so damn good in her bike outfit that I actually wish she could have worn it for another few minutes and just have the 2 of them spend a few minutes doing nothing but things like hugging and kissing and holding each others asses. The greatest irony in this video is with Rene. Normally I want to see both or all the women to at least strip down to their underwear within the first couple minutes. With Rene, I don't know if it's the black outfit in itself, or if it's the black outfit on her, but holy crap she looks so ridiculously good in it, I actually wish she had stayed fully clothed the whole time and just kissed and licked every inch of Hannas body. If there's any confusion, I love the video, and would love to see more videos and pics of gorgeous women wearing sexy bike outfits.
There are so many good things about this video I don't know where to begin! First Hanna & Rene are absolute perfection, love the bike outfits especially Rene's black ensemble, they seem so relaxed like they've done this before with each other so many times the camera doesn't faze them in the slightest, a word to describe this most rare thing in porn, and the most sought after, spontaneity! unrehearsed, the fact Rene & Hanna are two of the most active models in lesbian porn at the time may also be a factor, the most experienced! Image quality is really nice, I can actually see true skin complexion, not the white overexposure in more recent films on the site, lighting here is perfect, even the bright light from the window behind doesn't wash out natural hues, closeups of their bodies are breathtaking! Hair tied up is nice too, no need to constantly move it away like so many other lesbian film. One of the finest pairings of models and most beautiful film's on the site. 5-16-19