Tender, brunette coeds Marianne, red, striped shirt, and Tasha, pink shirt, make out and caress each other lovingly on a chair in their room, then take off their tops and knead and suck one another's tiny tits. They eagerly peel off their tight jeans, Marianne takes off Tasha's purple undies and rubs and tongues her tight, shaved pussy until she climaxes loudly. Tasha pulls off Marianne's aqua panties and fingers and licks her bald, wet quim in the chair and on the desk until she has a loud, shuddering orgasm.
Length: 13:11, 100 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 24:47, 146 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 21:22, 100 pics
Categories: GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 19:47, 138 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 26:05, 158 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Trib, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 20:25, 190 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 19:31, 157 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 21:22, 207 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Tasha, Marianne and the other models like them are the girls that keep me coming back to SE!!! They are far from the boring pornstar prototype.