Originally Hungarian language interview with Tina Belle.
Length: 49:21, 76 pics
Categories: Anal, GG - 69, GG - Anal, GG - Ass Fingering, GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Living Room
Body Type: average
Butt: average, bubble butt
Face Type: average, fashion model
Eyes: brown
Ethnicity: caucasian
Clothes: dress
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: medium
Breasts: medium, natural, perky
Skin tone: medium
Pubic Hair: shaved
Length: 30:57, 106 pics
Categories: GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors
Length: 34:37, 100 pics
Location: Bathroom, Indoors, Shower
Categories: GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Shower-Bath, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 19:38, 109 pics
Categories: GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 28:39, 62 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, stockings
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous
Eyes: green
Hair: long - straight
Skin tone: medium
Body Type: skinny, smooth skin
Pussy/Labia: small
Length: 23:01
Categories: Fisting, GG - Ass Fingering, GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Masturbation, Strip Tease, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 21:22, 207 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
I like when the interviews are on the original language of the model when possible, because the models can talk in a more free way and I also think that they are more interested to share facts about them. Tina Belle is more or less new to the porn world and is interesting to know her first impressions; but also since she is new, is a great opportunity to know about her well from the beginning. She looks like her preferences are well defined, she didn't need to think so much for what she was going to answer, so I think she knows herself very well. Also, in my opinion she has an interesting and honest personality. Finally, I like very much how they change the subtitles with a more darker shade, now is easy to read :) [-Ramon VM]