Jimena Lago Interview

Added June 16, 2020

Upclose and personal interview on set with Spanish hottie - Jimena Lago

Featured model(s):

Jimena Lago



I immediately knew that she was a Spanish speaker because of her accent, this is the first time I watch Jimena Lago and from the beginning I was waiting to hear from which county she is from. I felt that she had many things to say but did not have her ideas in order and that’s something very normal. Perhaps the directors that made interviews particularly with only one model can use some points to cover on the speech written in front of her behind the camera, so the model can have some topics to follow. I also felt weird listening to Spanish and English because I didn’t realize when she was talking in English and when she mention something in Spanish, I just got the message haha. It was interesting to hear her favorite porn performers; this is very uncommon in my opinion hearing it from a woman. It was a short interview but interesting and very funny. [-Ramon VM]


Gorgeos girl. One of my faves. Wish she didnt change her hair though! :(

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