ON a boring day like that was, it is so nice to have a helping hand when you want to pass the time with some pleasurable activity... Kira Thorn helped Cayenne Hot giving the day some meaning with the licks, kisses, and fingerings just as the other way round.
Showing Limited Picture Selection - Click Here For Full Set
Length: 34:16, 45 pics
Categories: Anal, GG - Anal, GG - Ass Fingering, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Living Room
Face Type: average
Body Type: average
Butt: average
Ethnicity: caucasian
Clothes: dress
Breasts: floppy, medium, small
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: medium
Skin tone: medium
Pubic Hair: shaved
Art & Addons: tattoo
Length: 34:37, 60 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Ass Fingering, GG - Ass Toys, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking
Location: Living Room
Length: 35:57, 105 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 13:22, 125 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 21:49, 112 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 26:52, 125 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 41:38, 71 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple, average, bubble butt
Body Type: athletic, skinny, smooth skin, tall
Pussy/Labia: big clit, meat curtains, medium
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, lingerie
Hair color: brown
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous, slutty
Hair: long - straight
Length: 31:04, 25 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Clothes: bikini, boots, fully naked
Hair: braids
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous
Eyes: green
Skin tone: light
Pussy/Labia: medium
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Superb ! But is it the end of ass fingering in sapphicerotica ??